quilting, Weight Watchers

Maybe THIS Year will be THE Year?

Hi Friends!

Just maybe, just maybe this will be THE year that I am able to lose some weight.


I guess I’ll have to divulge this information eventually but I decided after many years of trying one type of diet after another I would wait a few weeks, you know, in case I didn’t go ahead with the program, before making the announcement public.

So since the news is out, today was my 4th meeting with Weight Watchers and I’m happy to say I have been very inspired with this program.  This is my first time joining Weight Watchers and it is not what I thought it was going to be, thankfully!!!  I was told all I needed to do was write down everything I eat, keep track of my points, and I’m to expect a 1 to 2 pound weight loss per week!

It seems too good to be true right?  I mean, how can just doing that simple exercise give me results?  Friends, I don’t know how it works, but I am here to say I think I may have found a plan that is meant for me!  Without having to really give up life and food and cooking and not having to kill myself in a gym I lost 6.2 pounds in the last three weeks.  Seriously, I don’t know how that happened, and you know what?  I’m taking it!!!!

So…is THIS the year that I am finally able to lose weight for good?

I sure hope so…

And on that note I spent this morning making a Star block to commemorate my first celebration with Weight Watchers (we celebrate milestones at WW and the first one is the first 5 pounds lost). DSCF3769

This block is small, just 6″ once sewn into a quilt.  I don’t know exactly how my story will turn out but one of the things I’m learning with WW is to change the way you do things.  For example, instead of celebrating by going out to eat, celebrate by doing something that doesn’t involve food.  Well, using that advice, I celebrated by spending some me time with some fabrics and sewing this block.

Who knows, this whole new change could open up all kinds of ideas for celebration!

Wish me luck.  Have any of you made any new changes yet this year?

Happy Sewing…



11 thoughts on “Maybe THIS Year will be THE Year?”

    1. Nice! Congrats on re-committing and making the change to be healthy. Some day I’ll have to post our Beer Making Hoppapalooza on this blog!!! Nothing beats an ice cold brew on a hot afternoon after a long day of work!


    1. Oh that is an interesting angle! A Mileston Quilt perhaps? I’ve been waking up lately with this weird image of me appliqueing progress pictures of me onto the backside of a quilt.


  1. Congratulations on joining Weight Watchers. After about 20 months I have lost 47 pounds- slow and steady. I found your site because I am starting to sew for myself again after years of avoiding the process as my weight was something I could not stand. It feels so good to finish a simple project and to be productive. I love sewing and being able to sew things for myself is one of the side benefits of weight loss.


    1. Wow! You’ve done great with WW. Congrats goes to YOU! I’m just starting so I have a long way to go. I’m glad to hear you are coming back to sewing!


  2. First off, thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂 Congrats on joining Weight Watchers and making a lifestyle change! I obviously cannot sing enough praise for the program. 🙂 It is great and hope you continue to have great success!!

    Also, love your quilt work! I’ve always wanted to get into it, but it seems overwhelming to me. Lol.


  3. I did the same this year with goal of losing 20. A pound a week so far (13.2) but you just got to do it the right way and go slow. Congrats on your continued weight loss! 15+ IS AMAZING!


  4. what a really cool idea. I hope you are still going strong. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. But I will never give up. I may also try this. Encouragement in any form is a wonderful thing.


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